Spiritual Direction

Wednesday, May 29, 2024

Holding the Whole World


The wars drag on and the horrors 
I can do nothing to relieve.

Yet catbirds are building a nest in the hazelnut
I planted outside my window.

The climate changes faster than we can keep up,
causing suffering I can do nothing, single handedly, to allay.

Yet red-wing blackbirds are raising a family
atop the arrowwood in our hedgerow.

The rains did not come to southern Africa this year,
bringing hunger I can do nothing to mitigate.

Yet mockingbirds gorge 
on serviceberries in the front yard.

I urge my representatives to intervene in the world's needs
but their responses I cannot control.

Yet tree swallows are nesting in the gourd
I hung behind the barn.

I donate to relief organizations
but in the neediest areas aid does not get through.

Yet hummingbirds sip from columbine
and beardtongue in the back garden.

I grieve for all the changes I cannot bring
to the wide world.

Yet I am grateful for the all the changes
that I can.

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