Spiritual Direction

Thursday, March 26, 2020

I Didn't Think to Ask for Woodcocks

I didn't think to ask for woodcocks
nor the fox

nor the merlin in the front yard
nor the fox sparrows in the back,
nor the tundra swans
nor the bald eagle who sailed through the yard
with some unfortunate prey clasped 
in its talons.

I didn't think to ask for for the toads
and tadpoles
and spotted salamander eggs 
in the derelict backyard pond
we inherited,
nor the robins who prefer its wildness
to a domesticated bird bath.

I didn't think to ask for the two 
solitary columbines
nor the ancient clump of peonies
that somehow survived the carnage
of the previous owners,
nor for the softest soil
I have ever worked.
Or that my vocation as gardener
would bring redemption to 
this bit of land and 
blessing to those who loved it
before me.

In this frightening,
new, collective social 
and while missing those I love,
I didn't think to ask for 
the myriad young trees and shrubs 
that will soon surround us
and are fast becoming 

For all I didn't think
to ask...

Thank You.


  1. Ann,
    How beautiful! He knows our hearts. Thank you for sharing how He had blessed yours ♥️

  2. Hi Ann, are you back in Pennsylvania? I've moved to western PA (Johnstown) and I love it!! The slow spring, unfurling it's first yellows, is so beautiful to me, as are the surrounding ancient mountains.

    I love your writing - its evolving into meditative prayer/poems of great beauty.

    Blessings to you and all the tadpoles!

  3. Thanks so much, Patrise. Your affirmation means a great deal. I'm glad you too are back in a place where you love. Yes, we moved back to the Harrisburg area, Dillsburg, to be exact and now live in an old house on 2 acres full of life and soon to be gardens :) Thanks again, Patrise.

    1. Ann! I'm so delighted to have found this blog of yours! We now live in State College since 2009. I've been blogging since 2005, but it's nothing deep - just our family's go-to diary for the past fifteen years! I have such fond memories of your Rebecca at MCDS. And of course of our times together as young mothers!
