Spiritual Direction

Saturday, December 21, 2019


Some years ago, my mind in tumult,
I came to you, 
and you bowed, 
(or was it a curtsy?)
Dressed in green
(or was it gold?)

your nimble limbs swept toward me
when there was no breath of wind,
beckoning and offering blessing 
in your wordless way.

The winter woods around you are seldom silent, 
usually filled with chips and twitters,
unmelodious whistles, squeaks and squawks.
But today there is music - 
the single, lilting phrase of a hermit thrush,
promise of hope for what lies beyond
this frozen moment,
promise for the future.

On this end-of-year solstice morning
I have come seeking you.
Clothed now in tans and silver,
limbs stiffened in the cold,
you move less easily now.
And yet, again I have come.
I have come for your benediction.
I have come to say goodbye.

Tuesday, December 10, 2019

Ten Years of Old Floors

Ten years of old pine floors and wavy windows
that let the outside in,
secrets held in unknown histories.
Walls that were, doorways gone.
Rooms and roof lines gained and lost, 

mysteries beyond unraveling.

The marsh is clothed in browns and tans,
as when we first arrived,
muted promise of discovery.
The years have changed it.
Populations of cattails, wild rice and jewelweed

jockey for position.
Like life itself, 

never static.

Ten years taller are the trees. 
Sycamores and yellow poplar scrape the sky,
long-fingered twigs stretching toward the clouds,
beech and holly growing together in community,
thin places where the Divine stoops low. 
Yet some are gone, 
remembered only by fallen remains, 
ghosts among the living, 
reminders of an earlier time.
I miss them.

For ten years we have been gifted.
Gifted with an old house with old pine floors, 
by trees and fields, woodlands and water;
Gifted by life itself, 
and ten years of memories,
of blessings and of growth.
Ten years of gratitude.